



365英国上市官网 Technology Proposal Form

365英国上市官网 Technology Proposal Form

In order to more effectively plan for technology needs, both in the classroom and the office, the following form has been established for approving new technology proposals. Proposals of an academic nature will be forwarded to the Provost for review. If the proposal will affect more than one department (i.e. a new general purpose lab or classroom), or if a question of priority is raised it will be sent to the IT Faculty Advisory Committee to obtain input from all interested parties. Recommendations from the committee may then be incorporated into the proposal.

Examples of a technology proposal include but are not limited to:

  • A new computer, piece of hardware, server, server-based software, server storage, backup equipment, or phone facility (lab or classroom) for the department
  • New equipment or wiring for an existing lab or data/telecommunication facility
  • Construction of new or relocation of existing facilities that require any type of data or telecommunication equipment.   All new facilities will be required to include electrical and data connections.
  • New campus services that require data or telecommunication services such as online registration or a campus card system or anything that may use these services.
  • Software purchases (both for individual pcs or servers)

The IT department meets each Thursday at 2:00 (except on holidays and unforeseen circumstances). New tech proposals are discussed at that time. Please complete your form submission by noon on Wednesday to be considered in our Thursday meetings. You can expect initial communication by the Monday following your proposal submission. If it is necessary for IT to receive an attachment with this proposal, please send an email with the file(s) to   [email protected]  and use 365英国上市官网 Technology Proposal for the subject line.

365英国上市官网 Technology Proposal Form


Classroom Technology Proposal

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